BCHC Offers New Minimally Invasive Urology Procedure Locally
BCHC is pleased to announce the addition of a new, minimally invasive, local outpatient procedure; UroLift System, to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and help relieve symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate.
BPH, also known as enlarged prostate, is a common condition marked by bothersome urinary symptoms that can cause loss of productivity, depression, interrupted sleep, and decreased quality of life.
Over 42 million men in the United States are affected by BPH. The UroLift System treatment and implants are delivered during a transurethral outpatient procedure and relieves prostate obstruction without cutting, heating, or removing prostate tissue. Treatment with the FDA-approved Performed by visiting urology specialists; Dr. Richardson, Dr. Mindrup, Dr. Rippentrop, and Dr. Moriatrty, UroLift System may allow men to get off BPH medications and avoid major surgery, while also providing rapid symptom relief and recovery with results in days rather than months. Clinical data from a pivotal 206-patient randomized controlled study showed that patients with enlarged prostate receiving UroLift implants reported rapid and durable symptomatic and urinary flow rate improvement and significant improvement in quality of life.
More information about the UroLift System can be found online at urolift.com. Patients may also discuss this procedure and its benefits with their urologist. The urology clinic visits the BCHC Specialty Clinic each Tuesday in Independence. An appointment can be made with a urologic specialist by calling 319-332-0950.
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