Teen Volunteers
One goal of our Teen Volunteer Program is to expose students to a variety of healthcare careers. During the year, we partner with the Independence Career Partnership program to provide students with opportunities to job shadow radiology technicians, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and personal trainers. Teens may also volunteer during the summer.
In 2012 we began a new partnership with the Independence Community Schools Silver Cord of Service program. Teens who earn a minimum of 50 hours of community service/volunteering each year during high school and totaling 200 hours upon graduation will receive a silver cord to wear upon graduation in recognition of their achievement. BCHC can provide up to 1/3 of the total hours a student needs for this program.
Adult Volunteers
We are also very grateful for any adult volunteers who are willing to give their time and talents to our patients and residents.
Service Groups
Service groups such as church groups, 4-H Clubs, Rotarians, Garden Clubs and Scout Troops serve as weekly or special occasion hosts for bingo, birthday parties, craft times and other opportunities in our long-term care facility
Auxiliary Volunteers
The auxiliary is Buchanan County’s largest community service organization. Auxiliary membership is open to all adults. Annual membership dues are $15.
Auxiliary members donate their time and talents in a variety of ways, including:
- Providing six $1,000 scholarships to students pursuing health careers
- Operating the gift shop, which raises more than $8,000 for the organization annually
- Assisting long-term care patients in various activities
- Sponsoring fundraising projects to benefit the hospital
- Coordinating six annual blood drives
- Sponsoring employee appreciation events

Typical Teen and Adult Volunteer Activities
- Observing procedures
- Passing dinner trays
- Reading or writing letters
- One-on-one time chatting, working puzzles, card playing
- Acting as a lunch buddy
- Assisting with activities
- Assisting patients with in-house transportation (wheel-chair pushing)
- Changing linens
- Restocking supplies
- Clearing tables
- Clerical duties
Volunteer Program Contacts
Teen or Adult Volunteer Program
Tracy Wilson
Auxiliary Volunteer Program
Michelle McBride