Unite. Build. Feed. BCHC Partners with Area Hospitals for Food Drive Competition
Regional Medical Center, UnityPoint Health – Jones Regional Medical Center, and Buchanan County Health Center will UNITE. BUILD. FEED. our communities with a food drive contest!
Food Drive Contest
April 26-May 23, 2019
- 4/26 – Contest kick off! Employee/teams buy food and build a creative food structure.
- 5/24 – CEOs pick 1 food structure from each hospital. 3 winning teams get a pizza party!
- 5/28-6/6 – Communities vote online for overall most creative out of the 3 the CEOs close (via hospital Facebook pages). Food delivered to 3 local food banks.
- 6/7 – Winner announced. Winner gets bragging rights and a traveling trophy
Want to Give, but not build?
- Buchanan County Health Center Leave cash with Michelle McBride, Public Relations Manage, (checks payable to Independence Area Food Pantry) or leave food with the ED Registration Office.
- UnityPoint Health – Jones Regional Medical Center – Cash Donations can be left in the Foundation Mailbox (checks payable to Jones County Community Food Bank) or leave food in designated box in the main lobby.
- Regional Medical Center – Leave cash with Welcome Desk staff – 7:30am-5pm M-F (checks payable to Delaware County Food Bank) or leave food in the designated box in Jerry’s Place – 6am-6pm S-S
Most needed Food Items.
Non-perishable food items like canned tuna, meat, fruits, vegetables, soup, pasta sauce, peanut butter, syrup. Boxed goods like saltines, pancake mix, cereal. Items such as toilet paper, bar soap, laundry detergent, shampoo. No glass, soda, alcoholic beverages, junk food, damaged containers.