BCHC Welcomes Iowa Anesthesia Pain Management Clinic to Oelwein Specialty Clinic
BCHC is pleased to welcome providers from Iowa Anesthesia Pain Management Clinic to the BCHC Oelwein Specialty Clinic, located at 2405 Rock Island Road.
Specialists from Iowa Anesthesia have been visiting BCHC since 2018 and are pleased to increase patient access by providing a monthly clinic on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the BCHC Oelwein Specialty Clinic, in addition to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the BCHC Specialty Clinic in Independence.
Certified nurse anesthetists from Iowa Anesthesia will provide patients with pain management consultations and holistic treatment plans that may include anesthesia injection and medication management for a wide range of acute and chronic pain symptoms including back and neck pain, and muscle, nerve, or skin pain derived from surgery, illness, or injury. Consultations will take place at the BCHC Oelwein Specialty Clinic and pain injections will continue to be performed through the BCHC Outpatient Surgical Department in Independence.
The Iowa Anesthesia Pain Management Clinic joins the growing list of visiting specialists to the BCHC Oelwein Specialty clinic which include the ENT, Allergy, and Skin Cancer Clinic, BCHC Mental Health Clinic, Ophthalmology Clinic, and Orthopedic Clinic.
To schedule an appointment with a visiting pain specialist, please call BCHC’s Outpatient Surgery Department at 319-332-0970. For more information about pain management and all other locally offered services, visit bchealth.org or follow “Buchanan County Health Center” on Facebook.