Buchanan County Health Center Auxiliary Awards $7,000 in Scholarships
On June 1st, the Buchanan County Health Center Auxiliary held their annual scholarship presentation at the First Presbyterian Church in Independence. Each year, the BCHC Auxiliary awards scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to graduating seniors from East Buchanan, Independence, and Jesup School Districts, and awards scholarships to nontraditional students entering or continuing their education in a human health care related field. The following individuals were awarded a $1,000 scholarship for entering or continuing their education in a human healthcare related field:
Abby Newman – Abby is the daughter of Bobbi Jo and Rex Yearous. She is a 2023 graduate of East Buchanan Community School District and will be attending Hawkeye Community College to study radiology.
Brooklyn Williamson – Brooklyn is the daughter of Mark and Kim Williamson. She is a 2023 graduate of the Independence Community School District and will be attending Clarke University to study physical therapy.
Emma Havlovick – Emma is the daughter of Nikki Barth. She is a 2023 graduate of the Independence Community School District and will be attending Kirkwood Community College to study nursing.
Lexi Kavalier – Lexi is the daughter of Buddy and Sarah Kavalier. She is a 2023 graduate of Jesup Community Schools and will be attending Kirkwood Community College to study nursing.
Elissa Sweeney – Elissa is the daughter of Dan and Jen Sweeney of Independence. Elissa is currently attending the University of Northern Iowa and will transfer to Allen College in the fall to pursue nursing.
Jaida Houge – Jaida is the daughter of Jeremy and Shelly Houge of Aurora. Jaida recently graduated from Central College with a degree in exercise science and has been accepted by Des Moines University for their Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
Zoe Miller – Zoe is the daughter of Jaye Miller of Jesup. She is currently attending Iowa State University pursuing a degree in dietetics.
The BCHC Auxiliary is able to award scholarships through membership, fundraisers, and hospital gift shop sales. For more information about the BCHC Auxiliary or to join the BCHC Auxiliary, please contact Michelle McBride at (319) 332-0905.
Pictured: L-R:
Back Row: Brooklyn Williamson, Lexi Kavalier, Emma Havlovick, Jaida Houge
Front Row: Abby Newman, Elissa Sweeney, Zoe Miller