ROCFIT to Return to BCHC
The Wellness Center (TWC) at BCHC is pleased to offer ROC Fit Boot Camp as a fitness class option to individuals interested in kick-starting and maintaining high intensity exercise routines and healthy weight loss plans. ROC Fit is a six week program designed to train an individual of any age, male or female, regardless of athletic ability to transform them into a high level athlete. Specializing in strength training, cardio and kickboxing, ROC Fit classes will push participants to a high level of intensity, producing results, both physically and mentally.
Offering four classes a week, Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm, ROC Fit Boot Camp will begin on November 9th and end on December 18th. Classes are open to the public; $100 for members, $150 for non-members with optional free workouts on Fridays and Saturdays at the Waterloo location of ROC Fit. Free trial classes will be offered on November 3rd and 5th at 4:30pm at TWC.
To register for ROC Fit Boot Camp, contact TWC by November 6th at 319-332-0850. For additional information on ROC Fit classes, visit, or follow BCHC on Facebook.