BCHC to host Prediabetes Education Class
On Wednesday, March 16th, Buchanan County Health Center will offer a Prediabetes Information and Support Group, beginning at 5 p.m. in Meeting Room A at BCHC. Prediabetes is when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetic. Risk factors for prediabetes include: Being overweight Are age… Read More
Maintaining an Active Lifestyle with Arthritis
Arthritis is a medical condition far too many of us experience on a daily basis. It not only impacts our physical wellbeing but also our emotional and social wellbeing. The Center for Disease Control estimates 24% of Iowa’s population has been diagnosed with arthritis; while 51% of those 65 years and older are living with… Read More
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American Heart Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Since February is American Heart Month, this is an ideal time to reflect on how well you are taking care of your body and your heart. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two of the major risk… Read More
Auxiliary Donates $7,000 to BCHC Departments
On January 20th, the Buchanan County Health Center Auxiliary Board of Directors donated $7,000 to go towards BCHC departmental needs. This donation was made possible through several fundraisers and gift shop sales. After reviewing grant requests, the Auxiliary Board designated $7,000 to the following departments and their requests: Lexington Estate, funding towards a wheelchair accessible… Read More