Living Well with BCHC; Visit Your Local Farmers Market
Ever been to a farmers market? If not, check that off your list this summer! Farmers markets typically start in May and end in the fall. They help to bring producers and buyers together in a fun and casual environment. Here are just a few benefits of shopping at a farmers market. Buy fresh, buy… Read More

Living Well with BCHC; Snack Attack
Snacks are foods eaten outside of a scheduled, structured meal setting. Snacking can be part of a healthy meal plan. However, many snack foods and beverages that give us the most calories are low in important nutrients. According to a United States Department of Agriculture study, after-school snacks provide about one-third of children’s calories. Because… Read More

Living Well with BCHC; Be Proactive About Your Bone Health
Osteoporosis is an age-related disorder of progressive bone loss. Often called a silent disease, the condition usually develops slowly over time with no symptoms or discomfort. Bones gradually become more porous and less able to support the body. Most people are not diagnosed with osteoporosis until they have already lost a significant amount of bone… Read More

Living Well with BCHC; Grow a Garden
Growing a garden has more benefits than just reaping the produce. Gardening can be great for your physical health, mental health, and the environment! FRESH PRODUCE: The obvious reason one would plant a garden would be for the fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s hard to beat food that is fresh, tastes great, and is great… Read More

Living Well With BCHC; Baseball Season is Here!
It’s that time of the year again! Time to dust off the mitt and cleats and head to the ball diamond. America’s past-time, baseball, is back. Many people have fond memories of their own playing days at the ball park, whether it be professional or even the local high school team, to watch the athletes… Read More

Living Well with BCHC; Cool-Weather Crops
Ready for summer? Dreaming of gardening? Get your green thumb out a little early this year and plant some cool-weather loving crops. The following five crops can be planted almost as soon as the ground is tillable. Potatoes – Best when planted mid-April. Any root vegetable could be planted at this time such as radishes,… Read More

Living Well With BCHC; Pregnancy and Exercise
Pregnancy is a great time to be active. There are numerous perks to getting off the couch during these nine months. Exercise can help reduce your risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy, increase your muscle strength to prepare you for labor, ease back pain and other discomforts, and even boost your energy! Like the… Read More
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Living Well with BCHC; Community Supported Agriculture
Ever wondered how to get a constant supply of farm fresh veggies and products without having to do all the work? Well CSAs are for you! CSA or Community Support Agriculture is a great way to create a direct economic and social link between farmers and community members. In short, CSA farmers produce fresh vegetables,… Read More

Living Well with BCHC; Training Your Core
Most people have heard of the term “core,” but what exactly is it? When it comes to training, I like to break down the core into inner and outer. “Inner” referring to deep muscles that function as stabilizers, and “outer” referring to larger, superficial muscles that function to create ROM, generate movement and gross stability…. Read More